Coffee...makes you feel like floating on clouds...or, on the other hand, like a turbulent river. Some even say it is addictive.
While waiting for the next inspirational blog feature, I offer this poem:
COFFEE (Sestina)
Oh, my sweet cup of java,
Would you please do me a favor?
My outcome is predictable,
You make me light, then intense,
I think I am half-addicted
To your half-and-half beauty!
And that’s just the half of it, beauty!
When I travel to the place of java
Feeling heightened joy, yet so addicted
I am always begging you for favors
And with such a degree of intensity,
Love’s outcome is predictable.
What could be more predictable?
Falling in love with beauty--
That feeling both tense and intense!
I am soaring now beyond “java,”
So please do all of us a favor,
Oh, international club for the addicted!
Named “CA” for the perennially addicted
And the cure is, after all, not predictable,
But more like a pop-it party favor
That may be a dud or may be a beauty.
A break, perhaps, for a cup of tea now, not java
And I can become once-and-for-all less intense.
It seems we are past-tense intense
Sweet love, but I am still addicted
To this paltry half-cup of java!
With an end so predictable
I still yield to your cold beauty,
Then ask, “Did you ever do me a favor?”
The question is, what kind of favor
Will make me a little less intense
And still let me savor your beauty?
You say my end is predictable
So long as I hold this intoxication to java.
I will give you up, but am forever addicted.
Cup of dark, but diminishing beauty
Whose hold on me has always been predictable,
I will give you up, but am forever addicted.

I really like this!
Thanks, Caroline, for sharing this
across the miles!
Kay & Camilla
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